Sunday, April 15, 2012

The End

This week, my project partner, Liz, and I presented our project on the "Representation of Women and Minorities in 'Best Picture' Winning Academy Award-Winning Films."

We looked took the movies that won best picture over the last 10 years and by loosely using the Bechdel Test (which involves having movies where there are at least two women, who talk directly to each other, about something other than men) we looked to see if the best picture movies had women, who were not the love interest, wife or girlfriend of a male, and minorities in lead roles.

By looking that the last 10 movies that won best picture we found that the majority of them had white males as cast in the leading roles. Only 3 of the movies, (Chicago, Million Dollar Baby and Crash) had women in leading roles and only 1 movie, (Crash) had both women and minorities in leading roles.

We also looked at the top grossing films for the last 10 years to see if the average movie goers were drawn to movies that might have minorities or women cast in the lead roles, but the top grossing films were all white males in the leading roles.

I thought our presentation was really interesting because I didn't realize how many movies that I had seen that were mainly comprised of white males in the lead roles. When I do see movies that have a woman cast at the main character, she is often naive and ditsy...that's romance comedies for ya.

I notice things we have learned throughout the semester a lot more now, then I did when the semester first started and I have really enjoyed this class. It has opened my eyes to things I didn't really take notice of before.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Round 1

The first round of presentations was this week, and I thought some of them were really interesting...

I really liked the comparison between Nicki Minaj and Lil Kim. I think it's unfortunate that instead of working together and being proud of what they do, they turn on each other and same some pretty nasty things. I think Minaj should be thankful that Lil Kim opened doors for her, and Lil Kim should be thankful that someone looks, or looked, up to her. She was a role model and instead of acting like a role model, so kinda turns into a biatch about it. I thought it was interesting though. I don't know much about Lil Kim, but I do hear Nicki Minaj on the radio all the time and I didn't realize how crazy her lyrics were. It's interesting too, to see how they both changed themselves to portray what they think others want to see. With all the plastic surgery and what not. It's sad they think they have to pretend to be someone else to get people to like them.

I also thought the comparison between men and women's basketball was really cool. It's interesting to see that both the men and women's team get the same budget for whatever they may need in the seasons, but it seems the men are spotlighted more. Even though, with the newspaper comparison they presenters did showed that coverage was more or less the same. I also thought it was crazy that some of the sponsors only wanted to sponsors the men's basketball team. I think that is crazy and unfair for the women's team. Women's sports doesn't get much hype at all, I know I'm not crazy about women's sports. It's said, and hopefully one day it will change. I think a big reason no one really cares for women's sports is because it hasn't really been around as long as men's sports. So maybe the longer it hangs around the more attention it will get.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Even Music Doesn't Escape Stereotypes

For class this week we were suppose to pick a song, or clip from a movie, that had to do with gender, race or ethnicity. So, since I listen to music all the time, I decided to go with a song that had to do with gender.

I chose Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" because the song is about role reversal. Throughout the song, she keeps saying if she were a boy she would be better and would treat the women she was with with respect. However, in the video she plays the role of the "man" but treats her significant other with the same disrespect she feels women feel from their men. It's like she wants him to know how she feels when he treats her like that.  Take a look.

My back up song was also about role reversal. I chose Lonestar's "Mr. Mom." I chose this song because the father in this song lost his job and his wife is now going to go to work while he stays home and takes care of the kids. He thinks it's going to be a cakewalk, but quickly finds out that his wife does a whole lot more then he gave her credit for. I think this song takes the traditional gender roles and completely turns them upside down by showing that maybe the grass isn't as green as we think it is on the other side.

Music, like everything else, isn't free from stereotypes. As these videos show, the gender roles being portrayed in these videos fit pretty perfectly into our views of the opposite gender. With Beyonce, you have the guy who cheats on his girlfriend, and with Lonestar the incompetent dad who can't take care of his kids, or do the housework right. Go figure.

To end on a positive is some Lady GaGa, who just wants everyone to love themselves just the way they are :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Advertising At Its Best

So...Advertising. We've all seen it, heard it, read it, tried to ignore it but for some reason it always seems to get through. That catchy jingle, or that racy just makes a permanent stamp in your mind. Whether you want it there or not.

One thing about advertising that I hadn't really noticed, or paid attention to, was how women are portrayed in ads. Especially print ads. This week we were shown examples of ads with women in them, although not necessarily for women, that showed women in less than a great light.

Every print ad page we were shown, showed women either:
1. dismembered: meaning, the ad was focused on the woman's butt, legs, breasts, you name it. This is degrading to women because the advertiser is trying to sell their product, but instead of focusing on their product they focus on a part of a women that they think will draw an audience in. Which I guess is the point, but can't they find some other, non-demeaning way to do it?
2. subordinate to the male: The woman can be below or behind the man. Gazing up at him lovingly and being ignored. This is ridiculous because it makes a woman who sees this think that they 1. need a man and 2. he should come first. Yeah, maybe a long time ago, but not now. Women need to be independent, and I think many are for the most part nowadays, so why show women like this. Aren't we suppose to be equal...but us equal in ads!
3. sex object: This one kind of explains itself. Women have, for a while now, been seen as sex objects to men and for men. I think this one, out of all of them is the most annoying. It doesn't make any sense why there has to be a half naked woman, or a woman trying to act provocative in an ad. There is just no reason for it. It makes women, and especially young girls think this is ok to act this way, and be treated as an object and not a person, and it's not right, at all. 

Advertising has a long way to go to even things out, but what sells, sells and unfortunately that's sex appeal mainly from women. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oh Magazines....

For class last week our in class assignment was to pretend we were from another world, and look through a magazine. By looking at the magazine we would be able to see what Americans are like, without ever having to really meet them.

Because I didn't get to say what I got from my magazine, I thought it would be nice to use it for my blogpost this week.

My magazine was Women's Health, a fitness magazine. Even though it was a fitness magazine, there was still a lot of emphasis on beauty. Although the pictures were of women working out, they were still made up to look "sexy." There was also quite a few sections about sex, relationships and work. All of which you wouldn't normally think of finding in a fitness magazine.

So, if I was from another planet and saw this magazine, I would say Americans are:
1. Dedicated to wanting to be in shape.
2. Care about their looks, even when they are working out. Beauty is very important.
3. Sex crazed...their is some kind of sex appeal in every ad.
4. Worry about eating healthy.

The first 3 aren't really a surprise. I think most Americans value beauty, being skinny, and sexy above all other things. Everyone wants to be attractive and magazine's know it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Masculinity and The Pot of Stew

Last class we discussed in groups how masculinity has changed in today's society and America's "pot of stew."

So, first up to the plate, masculinity. In the reading for masculinity there were a lot of different ideas thrown around about how masculinity has changed, why it's changed, how it's changing. I, on the other hand, don't really feel like it has changed all that much. Yes, some guys to seem more feminine, metrosexuals,  but I feel like the majority of men still portray and hold tight to the thought of a rough and tough man.

Author "Henry James wrote in The Bostonians: 'The whole generation is womanized. The masculine tone is passing out of the world.It's a feminine, nervous, hysterical, chattering, canting age.'"

I could not disagree with that statement more. This is still a man's world. That's why they are still getting paid more. Why there hasn't been a women president. Why they still run almost all of the big companies. It's not a woman's world. Not even close. If it was, companies wouldn't feel the need to have to change things around for women...the fantasy baseball for women, where they pick "boyfriends, lame. It's a man's world and it's probably going to be that way for some time to come.

Next up, America's pot of stew...also known as the melting pot. I think the term, pot of stew fits American way more than a melting pot. We might all be Americans, but we are divided up by our ethnicity's.

In one of the readings I read for this week, the author points out that really only whites are seen as Americans. The rest of us are: Native American, African American, Mexican American, Asian American. You don't ever hear someone call themselves a German American, or Irish American. I think the author hits that point right on the head. You don't even here that, or see it when filling out paperwork. It's kind of ridiculous.

As long as there are separations like this, we are always going to be a pot of stew and not a melting pot. We all live in the same country, so we are all Americans. There is no need for differences....unless of course you, yourself, came here from another country. But for those of us born here, and whose families have been here for generations. There is no need for extras before the world American.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Don't Smile Too Much at Work!

So today while driving to the gym the guy on the radio brings up a study done on women and smiling at work. According to the study, women who smile a lot at work are seen as less authoritative and serious about their job. What do ya know...

This seems bizarre to me. Women just can't seem to get a break.

Men are turned off by women like Hilary Clinton who come off as strong, independent and smart. So you'd think...oh well maybe if she would seem more friendly and not so standoffish it would work in her favor. Apparently not.

According to the story, if a woman comes off as too friendly and nice, so isn't taken seriously. So how in the world are women suppose to act. If they are too serious, they aren't likable. If they are too likable, they aren't serious about their job.

It seems like an unfair judgement. Men seem to be able to get away with a lot more, when it comes to attitudes in the workplace. While it seems impossible for a women to get a good footing, and be able to make a living without being judged. 

Hopefully, times will change in the work field, and one day everyone will be treated as equals.